Community Service Programs of West Alabama

community service programs

of west alabama, inc


How do I qualify?

Complete the application, attach the necessary documentation and take/mail to your local CSP office.


How much will I have to pay?

There is NO cost for weatherization. All services are provided free of charge to the resident.


Will the program replace my doors/windows/or roof?

The services you receive are based on an assessment of your home.  You may receive windows or doors only if the assessment of the house determines that need. Your roof may be patched but cannot be replace under the programs guidelines


Must I own my home?

No, you do not but your landlord is responsible for ½ of the costs of Weatherization and your landlord must agree not to raise the rent for one year.


How long will I have to wait for services?

Unfortunately, CSP has a very long waiting list. It could be months, or it could be years.


If I had Weatherization before, can I get it again?

 If you have received Weatherization, you are not eligible again for 15 years from the date of services.